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Archive for the 'Activities' Category

Fosdem Day One…
Date: February 26th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Activities, Linux, Software

Went to FOSDEM yesterday. Skipped RMS and GPLv3 talk; the former because it’s always the same anyway, the latter because it doesn’t attract me very much to be debating license issues time and time again. So we arrived at 2, just too late to join the SER seminar (at least not by walking in late) – so we walked around and checked out the T-shirts etc. Big dissappointment, Openstuff wasn’t there, so no penguins for me 🙁

At 15:00, LPI exam started, so I took the 102 there – as far as I can tell, this will be no problem. Results in 6 weeks…

At 16:00, we went to see the Xen talk, pretty interesting.

Haven’t seen much of the talks yet, but on sunday I’ll probably see most. It’s a pity the wifi is not working at all and won’t be working for the rest of FOSDEM. I simply can’t understand how you can break that when it’s so easy to set up. Apparently the soekris boards were only delivered on friday with an atheros card, and the atheros card “Breaks(tm)” under high load. I dunno, many people use madwifi and that works just fine… (but Soekris boards run BSD). Would have  been nice to do some live discussion, surfing, ssh’ing etc.
Now on to Day Two …

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Head first Java
Date: February 19th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Activities, Books, Home

In the middle of a cleaning session… a big appartment takes a lot of work to get cleaned up :s

Yesterday we went to Fnac, because of the “Buy 4 books, get the cheapest one for free” action. We didn’t actually find 4 books to buy, so we still saved. I bought Dan Brown (author of the Da Vinci Code)’s new book: The Delta Deception (in Dutch however), and Diana bought “Head first Java” published by O’Reilly (about the only publishing house I buy computer books from). She decided yesterday she wants to learn programming, and after some comparisons of programming languages, Java was the outcome.

We’re 2 chapters far now, just reaching into OO. The book is pretty well-written, not boring like most books are (e.g. the book we used to learn Java at Rega), so that’s especially good for her, as she doesn’t really like learning from books. I’m there with her and together we wrote her first little programs in Eclipse. I don’t know how much she remembers of it the day after, but I will try to help her until she can do what she really wants to do with her programs 🙂

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