- Software projects can be found on the PowerSource website.
- Website projects:
#eggies homepageHomepage for the #eggies eggdrop/windrop support channel we run on various IRC networks. |
Fido.beBelgian website explaining about the Fidonet messaging/file networks, how to sign up, how to use it, download links, etc. I no longer maintain this site. |
MadokaHomepage of the ISW shellserver “madoka”, offering services to all students and personnel of the KHLeuven for a very modest fee. |
PowerSource Homepage (v2)PowerSource Homepage, second incarnation. |
PowerSource NOCPowerSource Network Operations Center site, containing graphs, system info, etc about the PowerSource network. |
SiD3WiNDR’s Homepage (v2)My own homepage, second design. |
SiD3WiNDR’s Homepage (v3)My own homepage, third design, development base for my blogging software. |
SkyNET BBS HomepageHomepage to the Belgian SkyNET BBS (no longer operational). I am no longer the maintainer for this site. |
- Various others:
- Spidernet
Spidernet is an IRC chat network I help to admin. I am the main coder for IRCD and Services, and maintain the mailserver ( forward/POP accounts, mailinglists), DNS zone, etc.
It is a nice network with nice people and great potential, come check us out some time!
- #eggies
#eggies is an eggdrop help channel Wanderer and me started quite a while ago on Undernet. We have a nice site and offer people help with setting up their windrop or eggdrop. There is a relay bot on Quakenet, Spidernet and Kreynet so we can also help people on their own network if they prefer to do so. On our site we also have TCL scripts available to extend the bot to have more entertaining, useful or protective functions.
- PowerSource
PowerSource is my big “Project”. It is not really a project, more likely a name surrounding just about everything I do that involves computers. It is the first domain name I got for myself, in 2000 (now I do have quite a lot more). It ends in .cx, yes, an uncommon TLD when you don’t look at opensource developers’ domains… At that time, Christmas Island, or rather Planet Three, was giving out free domain names to OpenSource developers. Today though, PowerSource consists of a number of sites containing information, and a bunch of servers providing various services, either for free, for a very small friends fee, or privately.
- Phyxia
I started this with a friend to have our own routing policy and racks in Zaventem. We now have 2 routers and a bunch of servers colocated, and are doing our own BGP routing, with peering on FreeBIX Internet Exchange.
- …
There’s probably loads of other projects that I don’t remember cause they’re tiny, or just because I have a very very bad memory (I can’t even remember what I did 5 minutes ago) … If you think something’s missing, give me a yell… If I think something’s missing, I’ll add it here later.
Previous projects:
ISW (Informatica Studenten Werking) is a group of students at the KHLeuven College (where I study). We admin several servers, we offer shell, web, irc, etc.. services to the public and administer several DNS zones and websites. We also organize events regularly, such as workshops, both IT (e.g. Linux Basics) and non-IT (Cooking for IT’ers). I was a primary admin on one of the ISW servers, now I graduated I still follow developments and take part in workshops etc.
- Chaos Cheatbase
Chaos Cheatbase is/was a program originally developed by Jonathan Gijsen. It was a DOS program which contained cheat codes for hundreds of games on various platforms (this was before the time of the Internet where you can just use Google for it). It was very popular, but maintaining it was also quite time-consuming. Jonathan got tired of it, so I became the new maintainer. I released one or two more versions (even on GNU/Linux!), but there had been a long silence before those, and lots of people forgot about chaos or switched to something else… which led to the abandonment of the program, due to lack of intrest and user feedback.
DiMENSiON X was an art group formed by some friends and myself. We offered tracked music (music created with a tracker such as ScreamTracker 3, ImpulseTracker 2 or FastTracker 2) for download so people could enjoy it. We uploaded releases to IB-BBS as well as our website (which is offline now, unfortunately). Tracked music is still alive!
- TomyLabs/TomySoft
This is the name I used to create software under, before I got the powersource (domain) name. I was still young back then, and was producing a multitude of DOS (and some Windows 3.x) utilities.
- …
Here, I’m absolutely positive I’ve forgotten a lot of stuff. I’ve been working with computers since quite a few years, and have done many many things, albeit unfinished ones usually… but at least I started quite a lot. And it won’t fit here. It doesn’t fit in my brain either.