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Is your logo design phallic?
Date: March 22nd, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Fun, Interweb

Via Diana, this really made me laugh out loud 😉

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Date: March 16th, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Development, Geek, Home, MythTV

As a last post in this blogathlon, what I’m going to do next: well, move, obviously. Also migrate my server stuff which is still running on old Dual P3’s to the new Supermicro server as soon as I get the new chassis delivered.

After that, next project should be opening a nlams2 point of presence for Phyxia Networks at the NIKHEF datacenter in Amsterdam. 

For the new home: finally get the entire mythtv installation in working order. This includes: DVB-T inputs for VRT and RTBF, DVB-S to Astra (we don’t have any sat hardware yet, that’s for after the move), dual analog cable tuner on the PVR500 card, all on the backend machine; then the correct setup of the living room frontend, building a new frontend for the bedroom (we’ll also need a monitor or TV for there) and also finishing my Java frontend so we can also watch livetv (and perhaps recordings) on our Windows workstations.

Enough work I’d say 😉 

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Car trouble
Date: March 16th, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Uncategorized

As the previous post already mentioned, a minor setback on the way back… while doing 180 on the autobahn suddenly no more power from the engine and a large amount of smoke coming from the exhaust. Well, you couldn’t actually see through the smoke, so large amount may be understated. Pulled over, and very happy with the subscription to VAB with international support. Got home with a replacement car (Seat Leon) with about 5 hours of delay… but got home!

Thanks to the Alfa Romeo 156 club the car is well on its way to get repaired for a reasonable price, though "repaired" includes a new engine block, as the current one is pretty much toast – one of the 4 cylinders is badly damaged and beyond repair. I’ll be without it (her?) for a few more weeks I fear, but big thanks to my sis for letting me use her Volvo while I’m waiting!!

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Date: March 16th, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Activities, Car, Fun, Hardware

We went to CeBIT last weekend with some friends in 3 cars. Despite warnings about it being a weekend meaning there would be way too many people, only a few places were overcrowded (notably the ones where they gave away free stuff to gamers/overclockers). We had a lot of fun there, stayed at a Youth Hostel in Hildesheim (they’ll surely remember us I fear) and had a good time. Of course "Germany" meant a visit to Burger King on friday on the way there AND one on sunday on the way back + a little high speed transportation on the autobahn (where allowed, of course). Also interesting we noticed is that it’s very handy to have walkie-talkies when driving in a group with several cars.

Minor setback on the way back though… 

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The joy of eBay
Date: March 16th, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb

Been perusing ebay for years now, but seem to have calmed down no longer buying stuff "because I found it cheaply" 😉 However, the belt holder for my PDA broke a few weeks ago, it was in bad shape since a while and then I jumped down some stairs and found my PDA on the floor. It was a nice one, from Dell, so I thought I’d try eBay to see if I could fine a similar one, or even better, the same. How big was my surprise when I found the exact same one, brand new and still wrapped, for about 10 eur including shipping and a USB cable which I already have and barely use! Today I noticed the battery is a little worn out after 3.5 years, so I just ordered a new one for 9.5 eur including shipping… Happy camper.

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Date: March 16th, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Cat, Dog

Since an hour or 7 we’ve got a new member in our family, welcome Toby the 5-months-old Lhasa Apso 🙂 A bit shy, but everything is going pretty well, no fights with the cats or anything 🙂


In the meanwhile our little kitten Anshu has gotten a bit older and bigger and is very well integrated in our little family. She’s a little suspicious about the new intruder though 😉 

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Date: March 16th, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Uncategorized

By popular demand (seriously!) I’m now going to post a few blog posts describing new developments 😉

Oh, and here’s an entertaining picture …

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Date: February 20th, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Fun

keming. noun. The result of improper kerning.


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Wasting time
Date: February 16th, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Stupid

Option a: Play Pirates on Facebook for an hour.

Option b: Make an appointment to go and see a house, drive 20 min over there, wait for 20 min for someone to show up, drive back for another 20 minutes.

I’d rather waste time with option a, alas, option b was todays fun trip.

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Date: February 5th, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Fun, Interweb

Some just rock.

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