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They’re back
Date: January 28th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: TV

Yes, indeed — Top Gear is back on BBC2. If you’re reading this now and didn’t know, you missed it. Maybe FinalGear could help you out… Welcome back Hamster, and Jeremy and James as well ofcourse! w00t! 🙂

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Elephant in the way
Date: January 28th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Fun

Elephant in the way

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Bitlbee testing server is back online
Date: January 25th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb, Software is back since a few days… on a machine owned and hosted by yours truly. After the project suffered loss of their main testing public server due to hardware failure I stepped up to offer new hosting; as soon as the files were recovered from the other machine the server was put up again. Feel free to use it (or my other IM server, running stable bitlbee, at for all your Bitlbee needs. Happy IM’ing!

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Harddisk enclosure
Date: January 25th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Fun, Hardware

I want this ! Let me know if you see it somewhere, even if it’s more than $10 😉

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WordPress is the new PhpBB
Date: January 25th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Computing, Interweb, Software, Wordpress

Okay, that may be a slight overreaction, but there’s surely a surge of new versions fixing security holes these days ;(

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kill dash nine
Date: January 23rd, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Rants, Uncategorized


Most of the time when I see someone asking how to kill a process on *nix I see someone responding "kill -9 <pid>".

Alas, this is NOT the way you kill a process … the process gets killed alright, and a little too hard. So for everyone not understanding, here’s a small explanation. Everyone who knows, just skip to the next post 😛

Normally when you (or something) kill a process, it gets a SIGTERM. When a program receives SIGTERM, it knows it should shut down and saves all its open files (or prompts the user), closes its file handles, etc etc. When you use -9, you send a SIGKILL which causes the OS to clean up the process without further ado (e.g. when it doesn’t respond to SIGTERM anymore), and shut it down. This also kills the process indeed, but doesn’t always have the intended effect when looking at data loss… Remember it 😉

*end of rant* 

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Hardware trouble
Date: January 20th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Hardware

Right when I don’t really have any time due to work (working until 9pm etc) some hardware started to fail…

– died after I put back the second CPU. Jorne (hayano) brought home to me (thanks!), apparently the fan controllers on the mainboard are all failing, after a while the fas turn off and all fan readouts read 6335 rpm. I connected the CPU and Chassis fans to standard molexes and everything is working great now. It’ll be back up when I visit Versatel tonight. In the meanwhile its rails also arrived so it’ll be mounted properly too 😉

–, which is one of the most important servers in Brussels, not only failed a disk in its RAID5 raidset but there also seems something else to be wrong… It reboots every night at 0:30 with a CPU context corrupt panic. I’ll be replacing the CPU’s and CPU cooling, and possibly the RAM – hopefully it’ll then stay stable. I’ve got a 200GB Seagate disk but I’m afraid it’s not big enough to replace the 200GB Maxtor to fix the RAID.

–, which is in Amsterdam, broke a disk … this has been fixed yesterday, big thanks to my hoster Zylon for the remote hands. The box is now up’n’running again with a full RAID set.

 *argh* 🙂

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Happy 2007
Date: January 20th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Work

Yes indeed, after a long silence caused primarily by lots of work at the office, preparing and doing the move, I’m back… and I had a list of things I wanted to blog (even though some are like old now, but anyways, expect some more posts again! 🙂

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apt-get install wife
Date: January 20th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Debian, Fun, Linux

apt-get install wife

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Date: December 27th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Fun, Games, Home

I got "Burnout Legends" for our Nintendo DS for christmas from Diana’s sister Wanda. I started playing it this afternoon and after we got back from dinner I haven’t stopped 😉 Only I start to feel it in my thumb… Nintendo thumb! 🙂

We also decided to buy a Wii … Just need to find a store that’s not sold out… 😐 Any pointers? 🙂

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