Archive for the 'Home' Category
Since thursday 12 july 2007, 10:55 Diana and I are happily married! We married for the law in BΓΒΌmpliz, Bern, Switzerland with our family and witnesses present. Been in Switzerland for a week (Mon->Sat) and had a lot of fun, even without an internet connection present and our car in the garage for repairs. We got back on saturday around 23:00 and have been resting/relaxing since, but tomorrow I’m heading back to work…
Thanks for all the presents, thanks for coming if you were there, thanks to Steven for coming with me to Switzerland, thanks for the congratulations; if you weren’t, maybe we’ll see you next year for the wedding in the church + big(ger) party!
Pics coming when we’ve collected all the 4708324 camera outputs. π
Roadtrip to Amsterdam
On sunday evening I returned from a great bachelor’s weekend in Amsterdam, organized by my friends Ash, Danny, Jack/Kristof and Steven [alphabetical order]. Had a great time, hanging out, lasershooting , movie’ing , coupling’ing , eating, walking, drinking (coke), comedy’ing and much more…
Thanks again, guys – it was great.
So, we’ll need to do that again – who’s next? π
Apparently our apartment, after being virtually sold, is back on the market – so we can’t move out yet. Grmbl.
I guess the probable buyers didn’t appreciate being lied to about what they were actually buying, heh. (yes, that’s the owner for ya, a big bastard. but you didn’t get that from me, ok?) Once at the notary, of course the truth comes to light.
Anyone want to buy an overpriced broken-by-design 3-bedroom apartment?
Home sweet home
Everyone on IRC probably already noticed π – we’re back from Switzerland again, after being there for a week. With lots of fun, chocolates and new books, it’s time for a "normal" life again … Wedding date: 12th of july, in Bümpliz, Bern, Switzerland π
Digital Audio Access Protocol
Installed Firefly Media Server on my home fileserver for fun (unfortunately not for profit π ), and installed iTunes on my desktop. Never used it, but hey, it supports DAAP and that’s the big deal, right? π I have 22K+ songs in my iTunes player now, advertised via mDns multicast "modern" stuff. Yay!
Tried to use it in Amarok on my laptop as well, but no dice. If I add the machine manually, I can browse the files via DAAP, but the actual discovery doesn’t seem to work. I installed the avahi daemon which takes care of mDNS discovery, but it still doesn’t want to find it.. π Any tips?
Hehe, since over a week Diana and I are engaged to be married, and I haven’t even blogged about it. Damn, high time I’d say! π
I got "Burnout Legends" for our Nintendo DS for christmas from Diana’s sister Wanda. I started playing it this afternoon and after we got back from dinner I haven’t stopped π Only I start to feel it in my thumb… Nintendo thumb! π
We also decided to buy a Wii … Just need to find a store that’s not sold out… π Any pointers? π
Kitty + Kitty != Kitties
In the meanwhile Anshu has been living with us for over a month… she’s happily playing with her toys and exploring new places in the house, still being amazed at how high and far she can jump or walk… or fall. However, on many occasions Claudia Lee is still jealous and tries to pick a fight. Anshu, not to be outdone, starts growling and acts all tough, usually a high speed chase around the living room and lots ouf meowing sound is the outcome. Hopefully their relation will improve in the future, they manage to sleep in the same bed half a meter away from each other already π
Welcome to the family
Since a little over a week (since sunday 22-oct) we have a new little kitten called Anshu (Hindi for “touched by the sunlight”) in the house to play with Claudia-lee. They don’t get too well along yet but hopefully that will improve. Pictures will soon follow I guess… π
We gotΓΒ her from a shop where there were way too many animals packed into small cages π Anshu had an infection in her eye and wasn’t treated for anything nor really cared about… I guess a cheap “brandless” kitty in their eyes deserves less support than a 650Γ’βΒ¬ persian cat :s She seems to be doing better, but is quite shy and it’s hard to catch her to give her medicine…. but I’m sure her situation will improve, and hopefully Anshu and CL can play together soon π π
On the quality of LCD panels
A while ago I bought 2 Samsung TFT’s , which didn’t go without problems.
It’s been a while since I posted, but actually the day after said post, the second TFT turned up a dead pixel as well. So I went to exchange that one for a “kadobon” as well, and went to look for 2 nice new monitors, preferrably not Samsung. Alas, everything in that MediaMarkt ended up 40 EUR more expensive than before π
I drove to another one (St. Pieters Leeuw -> Basilix) closeby and indeed, same pricing as in the other one a week back… but still way more expensive than the voucher I had in my pocket, except for Samtron and Samsung monitors. The Samtron had a Samsung panel and was cheaper (199 EUR/piece), so probably a B-panel … If I’m having problems with dead pixels why go for even less quality, eh? So in a risky move I bought 2 brand spanking new Samsung Syncmaster 920N’s … hoping they’d be OK.
Haha,ΓΒ fat chance … secondary monitor had a dead pixel.It stayed black and was about 2-3 pixels from the right side… as I didn’t feel like going to MediaMarkt again for that and starting the exchange game all over again I decided to let it rest. In the meanwhile the pixel has come to life again, yay… 2 fully working monitors *knock on wood & fingers crossed*
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