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Archive for the 'Interweb' Category

More Spam Assassin
Date: July 25th, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb

Like before :

A convicted spammer fatally shot his wife and young daughter in an apparent murder-suicide Thursday while being sought after escaping prison last weekend, authorities said.


 (link to article )

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Joe jobs suck
Date: July 14th, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb

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Mobistar GPRS/UMTS on Linux via Bluetooth
Date: July 13th, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Computing, Interweb, Linux

This is on Ubuntu, should be the same for all others. You need bluez-utils already installed, and have your phone paired with the PC.


*       mobistar


” AT
OK ‘ATV1E0S0=0&D2&C1’
OK ‘AT+cgdcont=1,"IP",""’
OK-AT-OK ATD*99***1#


/dev/rfcomm0 115200
connect ‘/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chat-gprs’
user mobistar 


rfcomm release 0 2>/dev/null
rfcomm bind 0 00:12:D1:6E:9D:47 1
pon gprs
plog -f

Substitute 00:12:D1:6E:9D:47 with your phone’s mac address (see hcitool scan)

Now running "/root/bin/" should do the trick!

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‘Helpful’ language redirects
Date: July 13th, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb

Why is it that when I surf to, I get redirected to ? I explicitly state the language, yet ebay decides I speak French. It helpfully offers me a link to get it in Dutch though, which goes to that URL exactly.

When I’m not logged in to Facebook, it also greets me in French.

Above "problems" mostly occur from the Mobistar IP space at work though, not that much from home… Especially the ebay one is pretty irritating, these days I just surf it in French because I’m tired of correcting it every time 😐 

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Date: March 22nd, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb, Music

I guess the "idea" behind Youtube can actually work in getting some of your movies/stuff better known on line, like Ronald Jenkees , who seems to be pretty good at the keyboard 🙂

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Is your logo design phallic?
Date: March 22nd, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Fun, Interweb

Via Diana, this really made me laugh out loud 😉

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The joy of eBay
Date: March 16th, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb

Been perusing ebay for years now, but seem to have calmed down no longer buying stuff "because I found it cheaply" 😉 However, the belt holder for my PDA broke a few weeks ago, it was in bad shape since a while and then I jumped down some stairs and found my PDA on the floor. It was a nice one, from Dell, so I thought I’d try eBay to see if I could fine a similar one, or even better, the same. How big was my surprise when I found the exact same one, brand new and still wrapped, for about 10 eur including shipping and a USB cable which I already have and barely use! Today I noticed the battery is a little worn out after 3.5 years, so I just ordered a new one for 9.5 eur including shipping… Happy camper.

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Date: February 5th, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Fun, Interweb

Some just rock.

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Date: February 3rd, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb, Stupid

A few days I noticed KBC Online had a bug which did not allow to pay non-integer amounts (it always floor()’d it to ,00) inside the EU. I sent them an email about it and received the following:

KBC Bank & Verzekering kan enkel een optimale, veilige werking garanderen ls uw computer voldoet aan de systeemvereisten zoals vermeld op haar website.U kunt deze systeemvereisten nakijken op ‘‘. Mozilla Firefox echter wordt niet ondersteund. We kunnen u dan ook aanraden Internet Explorer te gebruiken.

The bug has since been fixed anyway, but ehmm… *sigh*

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Date: January 31st, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb, Stupid

As predicted, Telenet invoiced us wrongly, 10 euro ex vat too much, even though we have a limit of 65GB/month and I used 65, they invoiced 4.6GB for 10 euro total (wtf @ price per gig, anyway). Called them, and it will be credited. This’ll be interesting to see if that really happens, else i just stop paying… :rolleyes:

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