No updates for a whole week… I must be busy 😉
Am living in a cosy appartment with Diana at the moment, only sometimes do I get to see a computer… Sorry guys 😉 Luckily we have some internet connection or I would die… :p
Diana’s taking her Dutch classes again and already got to level 4 out of 5 😀 She has a test tomorrow, I will ‘duim’ for her 😉 She’s dying to read what I’m writing here, too 😉
We did a mini-wardrive on friday… Leuven is full of access points! 😛 And we only did a few streets 🙂 Got to get me a GPS thingy so we can start mapping 😛
Tomorrow I start to work… I hope everything goes well… and that everything is well-maintained so I don’t have to fix stuff up all the time… let’s hope everything turns out great! 😀