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Why Linux is better
Date: March 19th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb, Linux, Websites

Yes, yes, it’s GNU/Linux 😉

 Stumbled upon this page with a very clear look on why Linux is actually better (than Windows) for you, and your computer. It doesn’t hammer again and again on the freedom (as in speech or as in beer) but more on the actual advantages which can help you persuade others to try this wonderful OS out 😉

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Google AdSense doubles your hits
Date: March 13th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Computing, Development, Interweb, Websites

I was wondering why every time I did a search on the search counter incremented by 2. I checked through my code but nowhere was that statement being executed twice. After a while, thinking about something else related to AdSense, it dawned on me… I recalled seeing Google AdSense hits in my access_log for the site, requesting the exact same page as the user (to adjust to the content on the page). On a “search engine” ofcourse, this means that Google does the exact same search as the other user, effectively doubling the number of searches logged… I have adapted my code to check the user agent, will be fixing up the database later so that Google’s hits aren’t included anymore…

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Sveasoft violates the GPL
Date: March 13th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Computing, Networking, Software

Sveasoft, maker of replacement firmware for the Linksys WRT54G, has been utilising GPL’d OpenWrt code in its releases without releasing source code. Sveasoft think this is OK because they’ve only released it to a few people – however the GPL says source code must always be given, no matter how small the distribution. I’m an avid user of the OpenWrt firmware and Free Software and cannot really condone what is going on here, parasiting (is that an English word?) on a nice free firmware, demanding money for it, not releasing the source, and denying doing anything wrong…

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OpenWrt on WL-HDD’s harddisk
Date: March 12th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Computing, Hardware, Linux, Networking, Uncategorized

I converted my OpenWrt installation on my WL-HDD to boot from harddisk, as 4M flash isn’t a lot if you want to make a print/scan/webcam server out of the little thing…

root@nalia:~# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 3.2M      2.9M    324.0k  90% /jffs
/dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1     9.2G    134.3M      8.6G   1% /
none                      7.0M     20.0k      7.0M   0% /tmp

Lookin’ good 😉

Update: Oh, eck, wait , a few minutes after this post the harddisk made a loud click and everything started giving bus errors. Now it doesn’t boot anymore. :'(

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Date: March 8th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Activities, Computing, Linux

Just received a few emails from LPI saying I passed my 102 exam, so I can now proudly call myself LPIC-1 certified! 😀

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Fosdem Day Two…
Date: February 28th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Activities, Computing, Development

I realise it’s tuesday already, but I haven’t really found the time to write anything. So here’s a small writeup of Fosdem day two…

Woke up (too!) early, left at 9:30, arrived at 10:50. Still early enough to walk into RIFE, we thought. So we did. Very earl-y, as this guy decided to pronounce URL as “Earl” instead of “You are ell” 😉 The presentation wasn’t all that interesting, but I guess that’s what a Java Framework is supposed to be 🙁 Still, I would think it could have been presented more interestingly.

On to Subversion, a very interesting talk, which has opened my eyes even more about how SVN owns CVS in many ways. Also learned the O’Reilly SVN book is available for free (as in speech and beer) at

Valgrind was next on the program, went maybe a bit too “deep” inside the matter, maybe assuming a bit more previous experience with valgrind or memcheck, but all in all not a bad presentation.

Lunchtime, we brought our own food as to not have to queue for 45min like last year 😉

Beagle presentation, by The Guy Who Now Works For Google. Very nice presentation, mostly questions and answers, but very interesting. Also, I was surprised at the quality of the questions asked. Useful and to the point. A total difference from what Rega people would ask, if they even asked anything., by Michael Meeks (who was preparing his slides right in front of me during the Valgrind presentation). Apparently mr. Valgrind was using a “magic build” of Michael for his presentation, which screwed with the colors somewhat *G*. What was very clear is that Michael was painting a picture of OOo being that it was not good at all, still way behind on what it should actually be, slow, etc. But the presentation was pretty humourous and light, showing new features in 2.0, showing what can and should be done, and ofcourse, a call for developers.

XUL. What can I say about that. The presentation absolutely sucked ass. The original presenter couldn’t come, so someone else came in his place. Assuming everyone knew what XUL was, and that even everyone in the room was developing XUL software day in day out, he enumerated directory structures, which files were in them, and then even the content of each and every file. Very strange presentation. When we left (after 20 minutes of almost falling asleep) , many others were too. We joined in OpenCA, and first thing I heard was “And this is the point of asses.” Must be Italian English for access 😉 10 minutes later, OpenCA presentation was over and noone seemed to have any questions, so we didn’t hear much of it.

Then, luckily we were already in the Janson room, it was Jeff Waugh’s turn. While waiting he put the Xgl demo video on the big screen for everyone to drool on. His talk was quite good. Design vs Megapixel! LAMP: Linux, Apache, Most of our scripting languages start with P, and PostgreSQL. More funny stuff. And very valid points made, iPod vs Zen, … A very interesting and nice talk to end Fosdem with.

Pity for the people manning the booths that everyone had packed up before that, as in my eyes this would be the perfect end of Fosdem, to go home and buy that one Debian T-shirt you first decided not to buy, or that O’Reilly book that you thought you didn’t want… not possible unfortunately.

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New OpenWrt package tracker
Date: February 28th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb, Software, Websites

The package tracker has been offline for a prolonged time and it doesn’t look like it’s coming back any time soon. So I took the task upon myself of creating a new one, started on friday, went public yesterday. I posted the link into the OpenWrt forum and have had some users use it already. You can find it at Now my cute Sun Netra X1 “magic” finally has something to do 😉

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Fosdem Day One…
Date: February 26th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Activities, Linux, Software

Went to FOSDEM yesterday. Skipped RMS and GPLv3 talk; the former because it’s always the same anyway, the latter because it doesn’t attract me very much to be debating license issues time and time again. So we arrived at 2, just too late to join the SER seminar (at least not by walking in late) – so we walked around and checked out the T-shirts etc. Big dissappointment, Openstuff wasn’t there, so no penguins for me 🙁

At 15:00, LPI exam started, so I took the 102 there – as far as I can tell, this will be no problem. Results in 6 weeks…

At 16:00, we went to see the Xen talk, pretty interesting.

Haven’t seen much of the talks yet, but on sunday I’ll probably see most. It’s a pity the wifi is not working at all and won’t be working for the rest of FOSDEM. I simply can’t understand how you can break that when it’s so easy to set up. Apparently the soekris boards were only delivered on friday with an atheros card, and the atheros card “Breaks(tm)” under high load. I dunno, many people use madwifi and that works just fine… (but Soekris boards run BSD). Would have  been nice to do some live discussion, surfing, ssh’ing etc.
Now on to Day Two …

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For news junkies
Date: February 24th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb, Websites

Found this VERY nice sort-of-RSS-reader just now on IRC.

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Debian GNU/kFreeBSD
Date: February 23rd, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Debian, Development, Software

I’ve done a few installs of Debian GNU/kFreeBSD lately… for some tests. Seems to work fine for the most part, although I haven’t really used it like I used the GNU/Linux “edition” 😉 Still, looks quite nicely run, so I’m setting up a Belgian (local) mirror on the PowerSource/Phyxia mirroring box. If nothing else, this will allow me to continue playing/testing this even if their main mirror ( goes offline. This happens a few times a day as far as I can tell, not really handy. I’ll have to see if I can get this to run permanently on a not-so-important box… 😀

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