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Tracking planes via BGP
Date: April 29th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb, Networking

Cool thing, which I missed when flying to Mexico last time… Internet on the plane. Using pretty funky networking techniques, and it’s fun to see how the data available on the internet (I could check it from my own BGP routers as well) can be used to see where planes are (not very accurate but still). Just a pity they had to waste a whole /24 per plane, and then not even use the IP addresses but NAT everyone… The registered block is a /16, so that’s enough for 256 planes; there may be more blocks, I didn’t check.

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Baby stuff
Date: April 16th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Activities, Stupid

Last friday Diana and I were having lunch at Moccamore in the Bondgenotenlaan. Some girls were sitting there and one had a baby with her. Now, breastfeeding is something to be accepted to be done in public I guess, but then (while many other people were eating) she also proceeded to change the baby’s diper at the table, and when she was done she put it in a plastic bag on the table. I don’t know, but I don’t think this is something to be proud of. Nb. the toilet was 2m away from her. My counter-burp wasn’t loud enough to catch some attention… but I left the table with not-so-good vibes.

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Did you try turning it off and on again?
Date: April 16th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Fun, Series, TV, Uncategorized

Yesterday I watched the first (and only, it seems) 6 episodes of The IT Crowd, about the IT department of a Big Company. Some of the things are incredibly realistic for IT people 😉 The guy sitting in his "RTFM" T-shirt, standard question "Did you try turning it off and on again" followed by "Are you sure it’s plugged in?", etc… Unfortunately the show has been canceled, but I thought the recorded episodes.

You can watch the eps online but they’re also on mininova . You didn’t hear that from me though 😉

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Gaming time!
Date: April 16th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Computing, Fun, Games

Seems I’ve been playing a lot of games this week. Well, not really "a lot" but still more than the last 2 months or so. Last sunday I played Age of Empires 3 for a few hours, getting my ass kicked by the computer players 3 times in a row (:(),  somewhere this week i played The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for a bit over an hour (just to see how hard it was for my graphics card, a Radeon 9600, to keep up), yesterday a good 2 hours on Need for Speed: Most Wanted , and just now a good 4 hours on OpenTTD (rocks!). SiD3WiNDR Transports is doing very well at the moment 🙂

Now that this extended weekend is here, I feel like I’ve got some time to relax… I actually got tired of the computer completely yesterday evening! :p 

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Cisco phones
Date: April 6th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Computing, Networking, VoIP

Just a note to myself (and perhaps even useful for others): Cisco phones (at least 7940/7960) can be rebooted by pressing * + 6 + Settings so you don’t have to go and yank out the power supply every time you want to reboot (telnet in and type reboot is also an option ofcourse, but requires you to know the ip address and the password).

 Also, the 7905G seems to be quite cheap and quite good! Seems to be priced at the same level as a budgetone thingy, so if I can choose between that or a nice cisco… I think I know! So if you have any 7905’s to spare… 😉

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The Belgian Post
Date: April 4th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Stupid

A few weeks ago, I sent a package via De Post to someone. After a week, it still didn’t arrive. Checked the post office, they said it was delivered… so there… boom. Gonerz. Package worth 40 euro. So we asked for an "investigation" … Suddenly, the package arrived. Funky 😉 Sometimes people need a little nudge… Some post man scanned the package as "delivered" instead of "en route for delivery" so it was left behind… All’s well that ends well I guess. Still, might think twice before sending something by post.

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Phyxia on the FreeBIX
Date: April 4th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb, Networking

Since a little over a week our hobby network Phyxia got connected to the FreeBIX Internet Exchange . We seem to have some software issues which appear to be hardware issues sometimes, but overall everything is working nicely. We even got peering up with EDPnet ! Toys for the boys ! 😉

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Ice Age 2
Date: April 4th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Activities, Fun

We went the Proximus Movie thingamajig yesterday, with some friends, hoping to see Ice Age 2 . However… many other people also wanted to. Diana and I got there in time, but the others were way back in the queue so before it was their turn to buy tickets it said "Full" … 🙁 We already had the tickets for Ice Age, but if we ever got into the room we would have had very sucky places anyway. So we decided to go and watch V for Vendetta instead. Not a bad movie, but not quite Ice Age 2 either…

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Date: March 19th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Websites, Wordpress

The built-in editor of WordPress isn’t really all that fancy as it appears, breaking some layout and such. So since yesterday I switched to EditorMonkey , which is a plugin that gives you a highly configurable WYSIWYG editor using TinyMCE or FCKeditor. Way better! 🙂

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