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Archive for the 'Linux' Category

Minor lenny upgrade issues
Date: February 20th, 2009 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Debian

For people running into this and not knowing how to easily fix:

Feb 20 09:15:19 tequila sshd[18110]: pam_env(sshd:setcred): Unable to open env file: /etc/default/locale: No such file or directory

tequila:~# ls /etc/default/locale
ls: cannot access /etc/default/locale: No such file or directory
tequila:~# update-locale
tequila:~# ls /etc/default/locale

Or just fill it yourself:

tequila:~# cat /etc/default/locale
#  File generated by update-locale

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iotop on Debian Etch
Date: August 23rd, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Computing, Linux

One of my servers has a pretty high I/O load and I’m not quite sure where it’s coming from. Tried to install iotop but failed due to some missing dependencies. apt-get -t etch-backports python2.5 python2.5-minimal was not enough (and as you can see required backports packages) to have the deb package from lenny install,but actually just downloading the source package and running python2.5 seems it would work.. if only I had compiled my kernel with io performance counters 🙁

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Mobistar GPRS/UMTS on Linux via Bluetooth
Date: July 13th, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Computing, Interweb, Linux

This is on Ubuntu, should be the same for all others. You need bluez-utils already installed, and have your phone paired with the PC.


*       mobistar


” AT
OK ‘ATV1E0S0=0&D2&C1’
OK ‘AT+cgdcont=1,"IP",""’
OK-AT-OK ATD*99***1#


/dev/rfcomm0 115200
connect ‘/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/chat-gprs’
user mobistar 


rfcomm release 0 2>/dev/null
rfcomm bind 0 00:12:D1:6E:9D:47 1
pon gprs
plog -f

Substitute 00:12:D1:6E:9D:47 with your phone’s mac address (see hcitool scan)

Now running "/root/bin/" should do the trick!

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“No MIME types installed” on KDE
Date: July 13th, 2008 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Computing, Linux

While upgrading my Ubuntu from 7.04 to 7.10 to 8.04 I encountered some errors starting up Konqueror or opening a file chooser dialog. The popup would read "No MIME types installed", and there would be no files listed. Autocompletion on the input box would work though…

After looking around, blaming a KDE version upgrade, or configuration problems, or … I found that the /var filesystem had been full at one point in time, and while there was space now, something got corrupted.

Cleaning out /var/tmp/kdecache-<username> should solve the problem for you if you have it too. (No need to re-login, I think) 

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Dreamweaver vs SFTP
Date: October 6th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb, Linux, Software

My wife couldn’t log in (anymore?) on my server with her Dreamweaver installation configured for SFTP. After some research she found this Adobe Knowledge Base article, which indeed contains the solution to the problem. A bit silly this has to be enabled, I think, but hey, it does the trick now.

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O’Reilly icon set
Date: May 6th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Fun, Linux

Via Diana, This is quite a nice idea 🙂

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Debian Security
Date: May 5th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Debian

I can’t help but think there is something terribly wrong with Debian’s security process. New securityfix WordPress package came out 4 weeks aftter the actual software release. 🙁

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Programming for MythTV
Date: April 17th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Development, Linux, Rants, Software

I’ve set up MythTV with a separate frontend and backend machine a while ago. Now, I don’t always watch TV on my TV, but also on my workstation (as does Diana), which runs Windows XP (yea yea, eww, eww, etc). There isn’t any working MythTV windows frontend available, and some people don’t seem to like the idea so they guess there never will be one.

I’ve asked a few questions on the #mythtv-users channel relating to documentation of the protocol, which is severely lacking, but apparently the only thing one should do in that case is bash the person who is asking the question. So I’ll just bash back: someone really needs to learn how to write a decent protocol.

For starters, there is no back/forwards compatibility. At the start of the session you announce your version, and if it doesn’t match with the backend, you just get thrown out. Done.

Then, it’s a bit of a ridiculous protocol, with 8 characters where you can put (in text format) the length of the upcoming message, and then for x characters, the message itself. Parameters are separated by []:[], okay, probably not a likely sequence to be somewhere inside a variable. But you can only do some things with this protocol. If you want to get information instead of action out of the backend, you have to connect to the MySQL database yourself, which means another open port, another grant statement into your MySQL users, and another way to get incompatible when some small part in the database structure changes.

MythWeather, the weather forecast plugin, is also broken. Well, it’s broken in reality right now because msnbc changed their site, but that’s bad luck and can be fixed. But it’s also broken by design, as there is a webpage part, in PHP, for your MythWeb server, and then there’s a python part for on your frontend. Both with totally different code, just pulling the location from the database – in my opinion the frontend should query the backend through the protocol for the current weather info and be done with it. A frontend should be just that, a dumb front end retrieving info from the backend.

MythMusic. Ah, another great piece of design. You have a music collection on the backend, which is set up for MythTV. Then you have your frontend, which contains the actual music player. However, the backend does not stream your music data to the frontend, instead you must mount a (smb/nfs/whatever) share on your frontend (on the same mountpoint as where the music is on your backend, no less) and then it will play your mp3’s locally.

Of course in the transcoder profiles, many ID’s are hardcoded so you can rename and switch all you want, the transcoder will still pick profile id 2 from your database wether it’s what you wanted or not.

I haven’t dug deeper into this stuff, but I’ll bet there’s more where that came from — in my view caused by lack of decent coder docs combined with a broken protocol implementation.

I read on the channel the backend would likely need a complete overhaul, the database structure is completely idiotic and the frontend theming sucks majorly, so one has to wonder if there is ANY piece of this software which actually works the way it’s supposed to. 

Update after more coding: it also crashes the entire backend when you give it bogus data. Combine this with absolutely no authentication whatsoever on the protocol and anyone can fuck up your scheduled recordings, tv watching, etc.

Update after calming down and receiving a wider audience by way of many of these issues are known and are being worked on, but of course Rome wasn’t built in a day – if you can help, I guess it would be welcomed in making MythTV better — after this post you may think I hate it, but in fact I think it’s great, otherwise I wouldn’t be using it 🙂

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When ‘re you gonna realise, it was just the time that was wrong…
Date: April 9th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Computing, Linux, Software, Stupid

Goddamnit, VMware server just gave me a few more tens of grey hair. It appears to be a hell of a job to get your Linux clients to keep time correctly… well, unless you know exactly what you need. So here it is, courtesy of 2 hours of googling and trying out + magic words from Ruben :

  • Set your kernel timing to 100Hz
  • Add the following to your kernelboot commandline: clock=pit nosmp noapic nolapic

Done! Woot. etc. *sigh*

(topic title courtesy of Bernard

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Famous last words
Date: April 9th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Debian, Fun, IRC

[08|23:38:05] [-] [:] Jeeves_ [mark@] has quit [Quit: "Etch is uit, als ik over 10 minuten niet terug ben is het stuk"]

That was 8-Apr-2007, 23:38. To date, Jeeves still has not returned. Oops. 😉

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