SiD3WiNDR Gears  Hacker Emblem  
Date: October 6th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Car, Home

Hmm, haven’t posted anything in a while… too busy with work/catching up sleep/my newly found hobby "Alfa Romeo 156"/playing Age of Empires III: The warchiefs. Many many hours into each of those. 😉

Especially those 8-player AoE3 3-hour battlegames make time fly by so quickly 😀

Oh, and the car will have a pretty nice look once I got it back on monday and some enhanced functionality after next weekend, too. Looking forward to the club’s sleuteldag 😀

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Software Freedom Day
Date: September 16th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb, Software

Seems I missed something yesterday, Software Freedom Day … Never heard of it, keep up the good publicity :p

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Happy birthday Google!
Date: September 15th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb

Breaking the silence with a small birthday, seems was registered a decade ago. Happy birthday altavista-killer! 🙂

(Woah, time flies, almost a month since the last post)

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Find the house!
Date: August 20th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Home, Interweb

Another Immo beauty:

Find the house

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Abbr rck whn nt usd 2 mch.
Date: August 20th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Home, Interweb

So, our appartment got sold so we’re looking for a new place. A nice house for us and our cats, we hope 🙂

So while surfing immoweb, we ran across this beauty:

Wng in grne omg, bos aan 2 zdn in doodl str, zr rstg en vlg, bij Halle en Bru. Lg kad ink wgns besch wng. Elctr toeg poort, 20m oprit
& gar mt carprt. Betgld vlk trr gele srtgls en moillon afw. en pdn aan 2 zdn mt grze dallen. Ctrl verw mt gaswndktl Vaillant (prpn). Wn/slpkmr met prkt, inger kkn en brgrmt mt vinyl, btglde badk mt waskom en dch/stm-cab + wc, kln kmr en hal mt vsttpt. Krpkldr en lg zldr aanwzg. Sept-put mt elctr pmp, rgnwtrput mt hndpmp. Immoknt zich onth. Afspr vr bez op Za/Zo mglk.

I guess some people think they have to pay pr ltr. Trnsltns wlcm! 

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Saving a(n MMS) stream to disk
Date: August 8th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Computing, Interweb, Software

 Turns out we had an MMS stream that needed to be saved again, I used to have some tool that did that but it wasn’t all that great and in the meanwhile my PC got reinstalled so I went to look for a solution again. Streamripper doesn’t do MMS (or so it seems), so I landed at Swiss Army Knife VideoLAN .

What to do:

  1. Save your ASF file
  2. Open it up in an editor and copy/paste the mms:// url
  3. Open up your commandline (if vlc(.exe) isn’t in your path, change to your VLC directory or type the full path)
  4. vlc -vvv mms://foo –sout file/avi:bar.avi (replace foo by your mms url and bar.avi by your desired output file)

Could it be any easier? 

Probably, but still. 😉 

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Empty moderation page on WordPress 2.1
Date: July 29th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb, Software, Wordpress

Like a bunch of other users, I suddenly noticed “moderation.php” returned completely empty pages. Apparently something broke, when too many posts are to be moderated. You can either use the links in your email to moderate them, or use this “fix” from the support forum.

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Yay for the spelling nazi’s
Date: July 28th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Fun, Language

Someone else is also fond of spelling and even registered a domain especially for it 😛

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Tones D-Day
Date: July 28th, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Computing, Hardware

Today, I got up early (surely for a weekend) to go to the Tones Dumping Day. Doors opened at 10. I got there at 10:06, and got handed ticket number 129. 129, eck! So I stood there waiting about 3 hours to get my stuff (or rather, my wife’s and my sister’s stuff); still it was pretty much worth it. 1GB PC3200 DDR sticks went from 89.90 to 43.90, that’s quite the steep curve 🙂 So I got a gigabyte… or rather 5, heh. Other stuff was marked down as well, leaving me with a "profit" of over 200 euro’s. Pretty nice!

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So true (again)
Date: July 23rd, 2007 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Cat

Damn you, xkcd !

 Cat proximity (c)

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