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Time for blogging :)
Date: September 5th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb

Hmm, not too many updates lately. Been wanting to write some stuff for a while now but haven’t really had the chance, and I wanted to do it right. Anyway, expect some more articles Real Soon Now(tm) 🙂

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Date: June 21st, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Movies, Uncategorized

Just finished watching Hoodwinked, it really is a great movie 🙂 Perhaps the graphics weren’t the best in the world, but they were still quite cool, and the story and the jokes were quite funny, with lots of references to other movies 🙂

Sidenote: The Omen, which we went to see on sunday, wasn’t all that great actually. 

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Wrist problems
Date: June 10th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Home

Last friday I took a nasty dive to the floor with my bike, and in the process seem to have hurt my wrist. It didn’t feel that bad at first, typing is no problem etc, but after a few days it still hurt and I couldn’t really turn my hand… so went to the doctor, now I need pills, gel cream, a coldpack and a wristbandage for 2 weeks. Hmpf. Seems Stein isn’t the only one with wrist trouble – luckily I can still type with two hands!

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Pirate bay is up
Date: June 4th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb, Websites

Yes, probably old news 😉 but I thought I’d mention it here for completeness, as I blogged about the downtime. They’re up again , from the Netherlands, hosted at Leaseweb (home of Mininova as well) 😉 With a nice touch to the logo of their pirate ship bombing Hollywood 😉

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Perfect Draft
Date: June 4th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Fun, Home

We bought a Philips Perfectdraft yesterday. Took a while to cool the beer to 4°C but after about 16 hours it managed and we could give it a go. We now have our own beer tap thingy in the house! 🙂 The manual mentions "Put the desired medallion on the tap" … unfortunately none was included. There are some for sale, like Grolsch and Becks, but the beer keg in ours is Stella, and we’d want a Stella medallion thingy anyway, except it seems it’s nowhere to be found. If you look very hard, some people found a Jupiler one, but not even that can be found easily it seems.. Any tips?

PS, I hope my links are clearer this way. Thanks ripperke 😉 

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Sunken pirates
Date: May 31st, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Interweb

As already reported a few minutes after the fact and on a few hundred newssites and weblogs, The Pirate Bay is currently offline. As most of you probably know, TPB was one of the biggest BitTorrent trackers and search engines around. They were based in Sweden, where what they did is legal (not seeding the actual files). They had a pretty impressive serverrack as well, I might add.

Now, they’ve had a few complaints and cases but every time it was ruled that they were doing nothing that was against Swedish law. That’s why it’s so strange now that all servers in the rack were confiscated (even ones not powering TPB) and that probably a few crew members are currently in custody. The raid was ordered by Swedish police after complaints from the Swedish anti piracy movement. I wonder how long it will take for them to come back online (not if, because I’m sure this was a desperate measure and everything will be let go once it’s once again proven that they were abiding Swedish laws)…

Although I actually never used it, it looked like a pretty good site – especially since the google-esque internationalized redesign they did, and the letters/emails they sent back to copyright complaints from lawyers were pretty hilarious.

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Beware of ebay buyers…
Date: May 29th, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Fun, Interweb

… when you’re a scammer. See >here< for why you really shouldn’t try to rip people off.

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Sony offers Lordi MP3s from illegal source
Date: May 23rd, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Fun, Interweb

Found this >hilarious piece of research< on IRC, thanks ytti.

Oh, and if you’re wondering why I’m ><‘ing my links: I’ve had complaints that they weren’t very clear in the rest of the text, which I agree with. I just couldn’t seem to fix it in the CSS in a jiffy without fucking up other links; I’ll try again later.

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Date: May 23rd, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Hardware, Home

No, this isn’t Jeremy Clarkson screaming at the next 800bhp engine… This is me screaming after the thunder+lightning that just struck. I was about to leave the house to go back to the office, then a loud thunder followed by massive lightning, followed by my girlfriend screaming "Your computer!!!" … of which the monitors turned dark… Luckily it came up again after a powerdown/powerup (apart from an annoying noise coming from one of the fans).

boo:~# uptime
14:28:37 up 31 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.03, 0.03, 0.01
boo:~# ssh root@khalid uptime
14:21:34 up 18 days,  4:43,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
boo:~# ssh root@viconia uptime
14:28:54 up 30 min,  0 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.18, 0.18
boo:~# ssh root@sunrise uptime
14:28:47 up 18 days,  4:42,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 

The DSL modem also reset, and probably the switches and wifi routerthingies as well. I wonder why some kept running (like Diana’s computer which was right next to mine but in another wallplug).

While on the way back, I noticed most of Kessel-Lo/Leuven’s traffic lights were blinking orange too 😉

Next on the shopping list: a big UPS for the serverroom and a small one for our workstations… no more colo stuff. You’d think I/we’d have enough of those toys by now with 2 APC masterswitches, 1 STS, 4 switches (2 Cisco Catalyst, 2 HP Procurve), 3 routers in Brussels & 1 in Amsterdam, 2 25xx console routers, and a whole bunch of servers doing *cough* interesting stuff 😛

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Sand & Sea, but Sun?
Date: May 21st, 2006 by SiD3WiNDR
Categories: Activities, Fun

Michiel , my girlfriend and I went to the sea yesterday. We left a little late, so it was around 5 in the afternoon when we got there. The wind was pretty strong; we went for a walk on the beach but were firmly pushed in one direction 😉 Diana was almost flying away 🙂 Afterwards we met David/RedLED for some drinks, that was fun – got back home around 1, time for bed. But it was a fun minitrip 🙂

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